Saturday, April 12, 2008

R. dissimilis ssp dissimilis and R. dissimilis ssp epiphyllanthoides

R. dissimilis ssp dissimilis (top) and R. dissimilis ssp epiphyllanthoides (bottom)

Lepismium warmingianum

Thursday, April 10, 2008

R. grandiflora and an unknown

(left) R. grandiflora. (right) An unknown whose stems are distinctly different from the R. grandiflora. Notice the difference in the number of stigma lobes. Otherwise, the flowers look quite similar.

Lepismium lumbricoides

R. floccosa ssp pulvinigera

Notice the hairs.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Big mystery

This plant came named R. wercklei but does not match any photos in The New Cactus Lexicon. Britton & Rose mention R. wercklei Berger. Kakteenk. 16:64. 1906, but this specimen doesn't match the drawing in the book. One expert's comment is that this may be an unidentified variety. Since the original local is unknown, this exists only as an oddity.

R. sulcata

R. sulcata (Bonn)

Hatiora gaertneri red hybrid

R. floccosa ssp tucumanensis

R. baccifera with white fruit

R. dissimilis